A big thank you to all of our amazing volunteers who give up their time to give our young members the opportunity to develop new skills & create exciting memories. If your thinking about joining us, we would love to have you! https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer/register-your-interest/ #VolunteersWeek
Amy Sherwood – 1st Skewen Rainbows & 2nd Skewen Brownies
Guiding has always been a part of me and my family’s life. I started in Guiding as a Rainbow when I was 5 years old and have never left! I started volunteering when I was 14 with Skewen Rainbows as a young leader and the unit mentored me through to achieving my leadership qualifications. Further down the line I took the position of unit leader and have loved every second. Later I completed my Brownie and Guide Leadership modules to! Guiding has challenged me and pushed me and giving me lots of fun experiences. I enjoy working with the girls, seeing them grow in confidence, achieve in lots of skills and have fun in the process! I gain plenty from volunteering but probably the most important is seeing the girls grow and watch them shape their own futures. I am proud that as GirlGuide leaders we can inspire the next generation of girls to be whatever they want and that their dreams and aspirations are possible with determination and perseverance. Just knowing that as volunteers we can play some small part in opening up opportunities for our girls makes the time, planning and organisation all worthwhile. In turn the girl also can inspire us and lift our spirits and give us purpose as volunteers. The partnership and teamwork between a group of leaders and their unit is a unique and thoroughly experience. The girls we work with make every second of volunteering totally worth it! |
Margaret Rees – Gower Division Commissioner
I started to help in 1st Loughor Brownies in 1984, when the lady in my local paper shop asked me if I would help her friend. I agreed and intended to stay for a year or two, after a year I took over as Brown Owl, and 36 years later I am still there. When 1st Llwchwr Rainbows opened in 2011, I became an Assistant Leader in the new unit. I have been a District, Division and County Commissioner. I love being a Leader and enjoy organising activities, events and holidays. Volunteering with GirlGuiding is so rewarding, it is one of the best decisions I made in my life. |
Hayleigh Matthews – 1st Margam (St David’s) Guides
I am a Unit Leader with Guides and I help out with Brownies when they need an extra pair of hands. I enjoy being involved with my division for events and I'm also on our HQ Committee. I joined as a Brownie in my local unit in 2001 and never really left the movement! As a Young Leader and now Unit Leader, I've been surrounded by strong, confident women who have pushed and challenged me to do my absolute best. Girlguiding has given me some amazing adventures, my favourite being an international camp to Norway. I love taking the girls on residential and camping trips, they get so much out of a few days away, it's so rewarding. I've made many life long friends with people from all walks of life through Girlguiding, it's quite something to be part of a community. My time with my Guide unit, the girls and the other Leaders is something I really look forward to each week, I enjoy giving back to my local area and giving back the opportunities that others gave to me. |
Jane Stubbs – 1st Rhos Rainbow & Brownies
Once upon a time.......that's how all great stories start, right? That’s how I would describe my time since joining Girlguiding as a Rainbow and Brownie leader in 1996.My daughter was five, my friends children had joined Rainbows, and I was looking for a local unit, but how should I go about finding one. Some people suggested the library, others the local school, (its a lot easier now!), but one good friend said those famous words.....Why don't you start one! I was contacted very promptly by the District Commissioner who quickly set things in motion. The Units first meeting was in June 1996. I was well supported by Sylvia (the DC), and the Rainbow Advisor Pam. A year later the Brownie leader left and I took over her unit. So what have I gained/learned since volunteering with Girlguiding and becoming part of such a brilliant organisation: Friendship......I have met so many amazing, committed and enthusiastic people who have inspired me. Confidence.......although I had my own children, its completely different standing up in front of a group of 5 to 7 year olds. Opportunities......once my children were a little older. I had the time and energy to become a trainer with Girlguiding Cymru. This was a real achievement for me and I am very proud to be part of such a wonderful team. Thank you to everyone who has helped me along this journey. |
Delyth Williams – 3rd Port Talbot Brownies
I’ve been a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide and Senior Section member. I am a now a Leader with 3rd Port Talbot Brownies. I’ve had so many amazing experiences in Guiding that it only felt natural to continue on to volunteer as a leader to help young girls gain the same experiences as I did. I love watching the girls grow, make new friends and learn new skills that will help them in their day to day life as they grow into independent young lady’s. |
Catherine Golding - 1st Margam Guides.
I was very late to a Girl Guides. After signing up to be a unit helper in early 2018 I quickly fell in love with Guiding and started my leadership journey in Spring 2018. My reason for joining the movement was to help give girls amazing opportunities and experiences and to be part of something brilliant. In the short time I have been involved in Guiding I have made life long friends, laughed and cried (with happiness) but most of all, I am having the best time. The girls inspire me and seeing them grow into brilliant young women is an honour. I am part of an incredible unit and proud to be a Guide Leader, here’s to many more adventures! |
Sue Scott – 6th Neath Brownies
For the love of Guiding - When tidying yet another cupboard in these uncertain times, I came across photos of my Mum camping as a Girl Guide in the late 40s. This brought back fond memories of her encouraging me to join in Guiding activities as a child and an adult. I joined Mum's Brownie Unit at 7yrs of age and never left! Out of the many roles I've had over the years my favourite has to be running my Brownie Unit, seeing the girls faces light up when they achieve the smallest of things. Our Brownie Unit is not only about the big adventures, but very much the small adventures of the weekly meeting. From playing a silly game to learning to light a candle safely. Its always fun with lots of laughter. The next role I enjoy, is being a Trainer. This enables me to pass on Guiding knowledge to other Leaders and enthuse them to enrich the lives of the girls in their units. We call Girlguiding a family and it certainly is, everyone is welcome and becomes a friend. |
Loren Rushton - 18th Swansea Rainbows & Brownies
I started volunteering with girlguiding at 17 and have been continuing ever since. I started it as a way to get more experience with children before applying to medical school. I have since finished medical school and graduated as a doctor last month. Girlguiding is so special to me - I love my little reds and yellows so much and have made friends for life in my fellow leaders. It's fantastic to be able to inspire young women and have fun at the same time. It's definitely something I would recommend to everyone to just give it a go. I did 8 years ago and I will never look back. |
June Shakeshaft – County President
I started volunteering for Girlguiding in 1955! I was an assistant leader in 1st Aberavon Guides, then in 65th Leeds Guides, and later leader in 1st Port Talbot Land Rangers, 3rd Port Talbot Guides and Brownies, and in 1st Baglan Guides and Brownies. Now I am a member of Port Talbot Trefoil Guild. I have just completed my term of office as West Glamorgan Trefoil Guild President, and I am Girlguiding West Glamorgan County President. Many of the girls in my former Units have become Guiders themselves, and it has been wonderful to see how Guiding has helped them to develop into responsible citizens, using the skills and principles they learnt as Rangers, Guides and Brownies. Volunteering in the Guide Movement has enriched my life in so many ways, and I have gained friends for life. |
Rhian Rees – 1st Loughor Brownies
I have been involved in Girlguiding officially from the age of 5, when I joined Rainbows (as an unofficial member of Brownies at 2 weeks old!) I have come all the way through the sections, and have been a Young Leader and now an Adult Leader. It has challenged me and helped me develop and grow, making me the person I am today! As a teenager I wasn’t very well, so left school with not very many qualifications, Girlguiding was there to support me during this time, and my experience of being a Young Leader helped me to gain a place at both College and University to study Childcare. I love being involved in such an amazing organisation, that not only gives such fantastic experiences to our young members, but also to the Adult volunteers – we most certainly have just as much fun as the girls do (maybe even more!) In Girlguiding the friends you make are most certainly for life, and I have been very thankful to have been able to volunteer at local, regional and national events throughout the years, so have gained so many friends from all over the country. But my favourite thing of all is seeing all the girls coming to meetings every week, on days out, at camps and residential events having fun and gaining confidence. There is nothing better than seeing the smile on a girls face, when she has achieved something that she never thought she could possibly do! |
Andrea Timbrell - 1st Llwchwr Rainbows & County Events Team
I was a Brownie & Guide myself when my daughter started Brownies I stayed to help with an Easter craft, 20yrs later I am running a Rainbow unit with my Daughter , Granddaughter & my two best Friends and I am an assistant leader in our Brownie unit. We are a busy Unit we have been on International holidays Euro Disney, Camps, adventure holidays and local residential I love to see the girls achieve and experience activities they may never get to do again. I have been on the Events team for 4 years and was involved in our County Camp. I have made many friends and Guiding has given me the confidence to grow. COVID-19 arrived but we didn’t allow it to stop us the girls have been working on Skill Builders we now have 2 Gold brownies and our Rainbows have been working hard. We have had virtual Rainbows & Brownies every week since lockdown has started, It has made me proud to be part of Guiding. |
Julie Davies – 1st Briton Ferry Brownies
I have been in Girlguiding since I was 6 years old. It's part of who I am. I've held lots of different volunteering roles with all age groups but my favourite role is being a leader with the 1st Briton Ferry Brownies. I love meeting the girls, getting to know their characters and watching them grow. My favourite moments include listening to one of my Brownies with autism call the bingo (she enjoyed herself so much with the mic, the memory still makes me smile), watching the girls playing on the rope swings during a bushcraft day, and shouting 'hip hip' for the 100th cheer of our division Brownie centenary celebrations and having over a hundred Brownies shout 'hooray' back.
I have been in Girlguiding since I was 6 years old. It's part of who I am. I've held lots of different volunteering roles with all age groups but my favourite role is being a leader with the 1st Briton Ferry Brownies. I love meeting the girls, getting to know their characters and watching them grow. My favourite moments include listening to one of my Brownies with autism call the bingo (she enjoyed herself so much with the mic, the memory still makes me smile), watching the girls playing on the rope swings during a bushcraft day, and shouting 'hip hip' for the 100th cheer of our division Brownie centenary celebrations and having over a hundred Brownies shout 'hooray' back.
Rob Thomas – 2nd Swansea Guides & Rangers and DofE Advisor
I have been involved with Guiding for over 30 years, mainly delivering the Duke of Edinburgh Awards programme in guiding from Bronze to Gold Level helping and advising both girls and leaders. Previously a Scouter I find my skills gained in Scouting and my work life have enabled me to be a useful member of the executive committees in West Glamorgan, including Parkmill Activity Centre, and Wales advising on Health and Safety matters and generally helping out where I can. Having met my wife through Guiding it is a big part of my life which I throughly enjoy. |
Cally – Young Leader at 1st Loughor Brownies
I've been involved with girl guiding since about the age of 5 and now, at 16 I am still a part of it. I started volunteering at 1st Loughor Brownies in 2017, whilst I was still in Guides and wanted begin to explore my next step in guiding. Since that first evening I've enjoyed every moment and love the guiding community. Whether were playing games or on a day out as a unit, we have a wonderful adventure all together. Now that were apart we all stay connected on our weekly zoom meetings, in addition to all the lovely photos and videos online as they complete badges. Even though I can't be with them to encourage and help in these tasks I thoroughly enjoy seeing all these wonderful things that they're all achieving. I love and will continue to live my role as Red Squirrel! |
Georgina – 2nd Llwchwr Guides
I have been a volunteer at 2nd Llwchwr Guides for 2 years. I really enjoy spending time with the girls and watching them learn valuable life lessons. In the unit I run a number of activities with the other leaders and by myself. Some of the most recent activities I’ve done with the girls include teaching them about the different type of stereotyping in society, themed quizzes and physical games. In the future I have a Charlie Bravo Alphabet activity planned, and to run a games night next term. Volunteering is important to me because I feel much better for knowing that I’m doing good within the community. I enjoy working closely with children, so spending time with the girls every week is very fun and rewarding. I believe that everyone should volunteer in the local community, whether that’s at your local guide unit, dance school, soup kitchen or homeless shelter. It’s extremely rewarding and everyone should get involved with their community in any way they can. |
Gaynor Ellis – Rainbow & Brownie Leader
I was late coming to Guiding. Although my daughter was a Brownie, a Guide and has been a Guide leader for many years, my first Guiding experience was when I became a Rainbow Leader at 55 and am now also a Brownie Leader. As I tell my Rainbows and Brownies I was never a Rainbow, never a Brownie, never a Guide but just went right to the top as a Leader. It is a very rewarding place to be. It has given me plenty of opportunities to do all the fun things that adults don't always get the chance to do, in meetings and In trainings (as you can see from photos). Taking both groups it is fantastic to see development from shy Rainbows into confident Brownies. Even though I joined late I have already got many great memories and hopefully many more to come. I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone. |
Amy Wickham - Alltwen Rainbows.
I am a leader in training in Rainbows. I enjoy volunteering with Rainbows as it’s a great opportunity for young girls around the world, an opportunity I didn't have as a young girl myself. Girlguiding is a brilliant charity to volunteer for. I know I'm making a difference when I see the young girls at my Unit smile and that’s why I enjoy volunteering. |
Susan Hodges – 2nd Morriston Rainbows
I am a volunteer leader in a very active and busy Rainbow unit. I really enjoy volunteering with rainbows as I feel there is never a dull moment and their enthusiasm and lust for life is infectious. The joy of seeing how much the Rainbows will put into things at such a young age is fantastic. It is amazing to see their face whenever they achieve anything, whether it is something new or something they have done before. Volunteering is amazing because of the friends you make on the way, the comradeship, the way we all pull together and do what we need to and the experience you get and give to others. If you are not already a volunteer please join us you will love it. |
Emily Jones - 18th Swansea Pantygwydr Brownies
Having been an English Brownie, Guide and Ranger, I moved to Swansea to go to university. I didn't carry on with Guiding, and thought I had left that part of me behind until I was asked to help make cakes with my local unit... ...13 years on I am proud to be Brown Owl working with a fab team of leaders. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know so many girls and leaders over the years. Guiding has challenged me constantly to 'do my best' and has taken me on many many wonderful (and occasionally weird) adventures. Too many to mention really, but one of the most exciting was introducing my own daughter to Guiding. Who knows where we are heading in the future? I'm excited to find out! |
Jo Malpas – 1st Loughor Brownies
I like to have a purpose and like to be busy, why sit still when the world is a big place. I didn't need to think about becoming a volunteer, it just came naturally. My daughter was in Guiding and I like to be helpful. It all started when my daughters unit needed an extra adult for a day trip so I volunteered, now I’m an occasional helper and go along to help on trip, residentials and any time they need an extra pair of hands. If it means a child gets an experience or an opportunity then I will gladly help out to make it possible even if it means washing the dishes, or fighting with tent poles. I have been fortunate to grow up in a family who love the great outdoors and being a occasional helper means I can share my enthusiasm with the girls and give them the chance to experience it too. |
Julie Jones - County Commissioner, 5th Neath Guides & 2nd Skewen Brownies
I started volunteering nearly 30 years ago. I started when my daughter joined Rainbows as it was more convenient to stay than to walk home and back every week. I never thought it would have been as satisfying as it is. Initially, I thought it would only be for a short while but almost 30 years later, I realise it is one of the most important and rewarding things in my life. During this time, I have learnt new skills, met so many people from different backgrounds and cultures, even royalty, I feel blessed. I have been on so many trips and holidays, I’ve lost count. I have watched as girls, who never had to opportunity to travel be spellbound at Harry Potter World. I have climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower with the girls encouraging me to keep going, I have stood in the sea, up to my waist to ensure girls didn’t go out too far. When you hear a girl say, “thank you, I would never had experienced so much without your support.” I feel an immense pride. Giving up some time doesn’t cost you anything but although, you do not receive financial rewards - the rewards you do receive are priceless! As a volunteer I recognise the need to say thank you to those, who give up their time for others. Even writing this I feel humble by the people who volunteer alongside me and those who volunteer in all other areas. |
Chris Thomas – 2nd Swansea Guides and Rangers
I am a leader for over 40 years and I am proud that I have helped girls over the years experience and achieve things they would not have normally be able to in a safe girl lead environment both home and abroad. Guiding is a big part of my life which I enjoy and continues to be so, especially as I met my husband through guiding. |
Jenny Jones – 5th Sketty Guides
I have been a volunteer in GirlGuiding for the last 10 years. Before that I was a Rainbow, Brownie and Guide myself. I have always loved guiding and the variety of experiences it has given me. Being a volunteer for guiding has given me a chance to help other girls experience these opportunities. My favourite part of GirlGuiding are the outdoor activities and I love taking the girls camping! We are lucky in West Glamorgan to have great local campsites such as Penmean where you can see Oxwich beach from the tent! I am also currently the International Advisor for West Glamorgan and am looking forward to taking a group of Guides and Rangers from across Wales to Poland camping next year to a jamboree with Scouts and Guides from across the world. I will look forward to enabling girls to take part in similar experiences in the future. I am grateful to be part of such a huge international organisation and want to show girls how they are part of something bigger than their local groups. |
Jean Erasmus– 3rd Manselton Brownies
I have been a volunteer for Brownies for many years, Initially as a Pack Leader and now a Unit Brownie Guider in Manselton, I thoroughly enjoy taking Brownies, with the help of my two assistant guiders, it is lovely to see the Brownies growing in confidence, helping their friends when we have new activities or games, they love going on Adventures, where they develop new friendship. My time as a volunteer, has given me a lot of new experiences, I have been a District and Division Commissioner and have gained confidence, making many new friends. Being a volunteer is really rewarding. |
Vicki Robins - 1st Cwmbwrla Brownies
Being a volunteer guider is so important to me. I get to be part of a fantastic leadership team.
For me, volunteering is so rewarding. You see girls starting with our group with little confidence. After a short time you start to see them becoming more involved and see their confidence grow. Its an amazing feeling when I see any of our girls achieve something we have helped them work towards.
By the time they leave us to move to other adventures they have achieved so much. They often achieve a lot more than they think they will. As a team and as individuals we all have a chance to be a positive influence on our girls. We get to see many different personalities walk through our doors.
I love being able to help the girls learn new skills. I am normally also learning those new skills too.
Girlguiding enables me to be part of a very supportive group of people, that are there to support and nurture our young girls.
Being a volunteer guider is so important to me. I get to be part of a fantastic leadership team.
For me, volunteering is so rewarding. You see girls starting with our group with little confidence. After a short time you start to see them becoming more involved and see their confidence grow. Its an amazing feeling when I see any of our girls achieve something we have helped them work towards.
By the time they leave us to move to other adventures they have achieved so much. They often achieve a lot more than they think they will. As a team and as individuals we all have a chance to be a positive influence on our girls. We get to see many different personalities walk through our doors.
I love being able to help the girls learn new skills. I am normally also learning those new skills too.
Girlguiding enables me to be part of a very supportive group of people, that are there to support and nurture our young girls.